List of buses plying for staff on 03 August, 2019

List of buses plying for staff on 03 August, 2019


Bus No.Routes CoveredMobile No
0 166, 99, 01, 89, 31, 51, 22, 15, 112, 1189596611178
3008, 88, 24, 76, 13, 61, 108, 369796703880
8485, 109, 26, 04, 65, 53, 100, 106, 107, 18, 57, 58, 62, 78, 92, 10, 43, 42, 149906938268
5090, 07, 98, 39, 104, 68, 55, 59, 110, 50, 84, 70, 199906927364
10747, 05, 71, 75, 103, 35, 06, 67, 44, 111, 87, 113, 56, 1159149519487
11203, 16, 23, 64, 86, 95, 30, 94, 46, 1169906433882
2517, 21, 25, 37, 54, 73, 79, 80, 95, 1029906421133
9129, 45, 60, 91, 1149906469978
1212, 83, 1019906421616
4027, 28, 40, 72, 829797249177
9609, 20, 33, 34, 41, 48, 52, 53, 57, 69, 74, 81, 93, 96, 97, 105, 49, 120, 1179797307070
3832, 38, 639906433110
 Transport in-charge can be contacted on 9149021811, 9906532698