LKG – First Parent Teacher Meeting held on 23rd April 2015

LKG – First Parent Teacher Meeting held on 23rd April 2015


After the LKG parent Orientation, eager parents met their ward’s home room teachers, where they were given details of their ward’s first days in school. Teachers informed parents about how well their ward had settled down in class,his/her enthusiasm towards learning rhymes,action songs etc.

Learning should be a passionate and interactive process in which children are allowed to explore.While the school is committed to building such an environment ,it believes that learning is not complete without the parents commitment to the same ideals.Only then will the magic unfold.

PTMs are an integral part of communication of each child’s progress and must be attended by both parents,is a belief that the school holds.

In the power point presentation that follows I would like to give you information regarding the school’s history,its infrastructure as well as highlighting both the methodology used in teaching  students  in their first year in school  as well as assessment procedures followed.Frequently asked questions on school procedures rules,communication through campus manager will also be answered.

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